Say, It Ain't Sew Easy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

John Deere Dress - Take 2

Last night my "angel" was sick. And I got it. But having to stick close to home I did a revised dress for her that she actually seems to like. It fits better too. See the pics below. I also left out the elastic, and it makes for a softer neckline. Maybe I'm using too thick of elastic. I'm not sure.

Even though it fits better and she seems to like it, I think the ribbons bother her... I need to learn how to feed them through so they tie in the back. I think they get tangled in her long hair - even in a pony tail. She wore it for a short while and then asked to change.


  1. Now that's WAY cute! GREAT JOB!!! If you haven't figured it out already, I can show you how to create a keyhole opening in the back or front, then stitch the ribbon casing, so the "straps" can be tied in the front or back instead of at the shoulders. I'm thinking the front might be better because of her hair, if you think that's the issue with this one.

    But this one is ADORABLE! You're a natural at this! ('Course I knew you would be. ;->)

  2. LOL - thanks. I could use any tips on the eye hole. That should probably include a small ribbon so it doesn't look like a ridiculous maternity dress, huh? Or at least a small bow.

    The only thing that troubles me is the fabric pattern. I want it to line up right. But you had said after washing it might twist - and it did. As you can see the horizontal lines curve down to her left. But the vertical lines are straight because I cut according to the salvage like you told me to.

    Oh, if you guys have tips for sewing in elastic, let me know.
